Monday, February 27, 2006 

Dari cermin diri - Imbasan journey

Dari cermin diri

Imam Hassan Al-Bannã Rahimahullah telah
(Wahai Ikhwãnul Muslimin, kekangilah semangatmu yang
membara itu dengan ‘aqal fikiran kamu yang waras ,suluhilah ‘aqal fikiran
kamu yang waras itu dengan semangat kamu yang membara; dampingilah
khayalan_kamu dengan kebenaran hakiki dan realiti, dan bukakanlah
pintu kebenaran itu dengan silauan khayalan kamu yang menawan.
Janganlah kamu melincung jauh, kelak kamu akan tergantung di awangawangan.
Janganlah kamu mencanggahi kanun-kanun ‘alam’ kerana ianya
sentiasa mengatasi kamu; sebaliknya hendaklah kamu mengatasinya,
mengalirkan arusnya dan cuba mempergunakan sebahagian daripadanya
untuk mengatasi sebahagian yang lain. Sesudah itu tunggulah sa’at-sa’at
kemenangan, detik kemenangan itu darimu adalah hampir sekali.)


Bukan kuantiti tetapi kualiti.
Observe, Know, Understand, Select, Focus…
Bina hubungan hati
Increase our knowledge
SediA utk menghadapi rejection.
Owh... owh... sedia utk digelar makhluk asing. :)

Work and spend time according to prioritization.
Hubungan hati
Careful: know your car.. Patut Ta'ruf betul. :)
Consider other people’s opinion
Role model: Perfectionist. Akhlak Rasulullah saw.
Heart to heart conversation
Basahkan hbgn… do other activities; cooking, sports
Do not reject good activities, tools. Use them to strengthen...
Create good similarities to foster ukhuwwah.
Mission oriented
Improve leadership skills: sisterly/motherly, teacher, sufi, and leader
Seek input/battery
Whatever it is, Remember Allah all times.
Whatever it is, Allah is the main source of strength
Don’t forget to polish our r/ship with Allah
Be more energetic not weak.
Never stop to improve and learn

2006 - current
Its ok to think a lot, but..dont worry much
If you think its good and that it helps to achieve the objective, just do it
Know your heart well before you can know others
Try to be soft and loving.. Basahkan hati
Do it in the cause of Allah. Learn to let go. Cannot do e’thing by ourselves. Limited capacity.. Reality and sincerity check
Baik sangka to Allah always and others… sometimes
Spend time wisely. Don’t waste time. DOn't procrastinate
Love others like you love urself
If you still forget Allah, not fully confident. Need to seek, seek, seek until u understand Islam and really confident
Don’t give up. Follow up as much as you can/.
Self-check… Sincerity?
Continuos deeds even if it’s a small deed…
Think what to do next… and work on how to solve past mistakes
Work on what you have with what you have
Gain trust… don’t give future promises (uncertainty)
Welcome life test.. syukur. Be patient
Prepare yourself now as if you will face a battle!!!
Don’t give excuses!… accept, assess weaknesses, improve
Takut Allah utk buang hawa nafsu…
Don't be too emotional, be professional...
DOn't be too rigid, be creative, be flexible, be mission oriented

"Amal bergantung kepada niat"

- Moga hari ini lebih baik dr semalam -

Friday, February 24, 2006 


Something to ponder...<

Washington's trade relationship with the UAE is the third largest in the Middle East, after Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The Bush administration has also proposed a Middle East Free Trade Area (MEFTA), which would link 22 Arab nations, Israel and the United States by 2013.

A free trade agreement between the US and Morocco went into effect on January 1, and a similar agreement with Bahrain was approved by Congress last December and is expected to take force this March.

Other trade agreements now exist between the United States and Israel and Jordan.

The same protectionist streak in Washington prompted US lawmakers last year to oppose a bid by the China National Offshore Oil Corp. to acquire the US oil company Unocal on national security grounds.
CNOOC finally dropped its effort and left the company to be bought by U.S. firm Chevron Corp.
The US has championed open markets in the developing world through its influence in international financial organizations like the Washington-based World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the Geneva-based World Trade Organization, as well as through its political influence and aid programs.

Thursday, February 16, 2006 

Islam is rising, and will rise... Truth prevails..

Stepping up the ante against Hamas, a senior Israeli official said they will prevent any Hamas prime minister from traveling to the Ramallah-based seat of the Palestinian Authority.

"Those who belong to a terrorist movement that advocates the destruction of the state of Israel cannot claim any privilege concerning their freedom of movement," said the official.

Asked how a Hamas prime minister would carry out his duties under such conditions, the official said he could "do it thanks to the Internet."

8:12-13 (Ingatlah), ketika Tuhanmu mewahyukan kepada para malaikat: "Sesungguhnya Aku bersama kamu, maka teguhkanlah (pendirian) orang-orang yang telah beriman." Kelak akan Aku jatuhkan rasa ketakutan ke dalam hati orang-orang kafir, maka penggallah kepala mereka dan pancunglah tiap-tiap hujung jari mereka.

(Ketentuan) yang demikian itu adalah kerana sesungguhnya mereka menentang Allah dan RasulNya maka sesungguhnya Allah amat keras seksaanNya


In a further sign of the worsening crisis between Iran and the West, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the $US75 million ($A101 million) in extra funds, on top of $10 million already allocated for this year, would be used to broadcast US radio and television shows into Iran, help pay for Iranians to study in America and back democracy groups inside Iran.

Ms Rice told the Senate foreign affairs committee that Iranian leaders "have now crossed a point where they are in open defiance of the international community. "The US will actively confront the aggressive policies of the Iranian regime. At the same time, we will work to support the aspirations of the Iranian people for freedom …"

8:36-37 Sesungguhnya orang-orang yg kafir itu, menafkahkn harta mereka utk menghalangi (orang) dari jalan Allah . Mereka akan menafkahkan harta itu, kemudian menjadi sesalan bagi mereka dan mereka akan dikalahkan. Dan ke dalam neraka Jahannamlah orang-orang yng kafir itu dikumpulkan,supaya Allah memisahkan (gol. yg buruk dr yg baik dan menjadikan (gol.) yg buruk itu sebhgiannya yg lain, lalu kesemuanya ditumpukkanNya, dan dimasukkanNya ke dalam neraka Jahannam. Mereka itulah org2 yg rugi

Tindakan kejam orang-orang kafir berpunca dari ketakutan akan kehilangan angan2 duniawi yang sementara. Maka, usah berputus asa. Allah bersama kita. Islam kekuatan kita. Al-Qur'an senjata kita. Gol. mukmin tentera kita

Friday, February 10, 2006 

Penegak kebenaran

Gelanggang yg sama,
Suasana yang berbeza,
Topeng yg berbeza,

Namun, beginilah hakikat hidup
Penegak kebenaran

Berubah mengikut kesesuaian yang benar..
Mendapatkan matlamat yang satu ...
Menegakkan kebenaran..

Inilah hakikat penegak kebenaran...

Sebelum perubahan dibuat...
Sebelum usaha dibuat...

Usah risau dengan perkara yg mungkin berlaku...

Jalan ini mulia,
Sudah tentu tidak ditaburi bunga,
Masakan sama membina timbunan pasir yg rapuh dengan istana mahligai yang utuh?

Ayunkan langkah...
Usaha... memilih jalan yang lurus bertunjangkan akidah yang sahih

Inilah hakikat pejuang
Biarpun, 1000, 10000, 100000, ... manusia tidak bisa lihat jalan yg dipilih

Kerana langkah dibuat atas dasar keikhlasan.. lillahi ta'ala

Inilah hakikat penegak kebenaran...

Setelah perubahan dibuat,
Setelah usaha dibuat...

Bersedia menghadapi akibatnya...

Usah menyesal dengan perubahan, usaha yang dibuat

Jalan ini mulia,
Maka, jalannya juga panjang,
Sudah tentu, gelincirnya banyak,
Tidak ditaburi bunga...

Terus ayunkan langkah..
Membaiki kelemahan yg ada,
Mensyukuri kemudahan yg diberi
Memperhebatkan lagi kelengkapan yg ada...
Terus usaha.. memilih jalan yg lurus bertunjangkan kalimah penyaksian terhadap Allah yg Maha Esa

Inilah hakikat penegak kebenaran ...

About me

  • Simply put, I am a Muslimah and am still trying to becoming one...Let it be that way,.. for the rest of my life as there are no other better things than to worship Allah Alone, the One and Only, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Aamiiin
  • From Allah we come and to Allah, we will return. Islam, a gift from Our Creator, Allah to humankind,..a Peaceful Way of Life
My profile